Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's time to let go.

It's become his obsession. At his 2 year check-up Dr. John asked if my oldest still used a bottle or pacifier. I quickly said "No bottle. That's been long gone. The binky is a different story." Dr. John said "Do you want me to be the bad guy and throw it away?" My reply was that it would have to be a little more creative than that. This was what I came up with. Now when my baby pleads for his "binky, binky, binky", I hand him one of these. He's tried to find another way to use it, but it's not the same, and he throws it and walks away. Can it be this simple?


Heather B. said...

Hopefully it can be that simple!!! Neither of mine took pacis so I have no expertise in this area. I say you are doing a great job and that idea was very creative!!!

Jen said...

Mine didn't take it either so I"m no help! Does he miss it when he sleeps? I've heard so many different strategies on this one. Pick one that works for you!

Anonymous said...

It will be a few nights of hell but he'll get over it. Have a few drinks tonight and pass out so you don't hear him screaming. LOL

.jimaie.marie. said...

omg that picture made me CRINGE!! LOL i think, no i know, i'm more addicted to those binkies than Malachi...he really shouldnt have it anymore, he'll be 2.5 this month! but hes still my widdle baby LOL
oh sheesh, i'm bad.