Friday, April 25, 2008

Breakfast for boys

Thank goodness my kid likes eggs! He gets them often due to the fact that he is picky in the protein section of the food pyramid. And yes, he LOVES bacon. And YES, I let him have it. I'll give Xander anything that will fatten him up. With all the climbing and falling he does he needs some padding!

No, that piece of toast is not half eaten. It has been cut with my new favorite kitchen tool. A bread shaped sandwich cutter that cuts one piece of bread into two dinosaurs. I am enjoying it more that my kids right now! Don't make fun of our camo plates either. They were a gift. The boys love them, including Bob.

How does your toddler eat breakfast? Mine takes care of business. Yep, that's his phone. He talks on it and makes very serious faces while conducting business.

Benny, on the other hand goes for a morning stroll and takes naps at will.

We just continue around him. It's sure to be a short one.


Heather B. said...

I am sooooo glad to see you have joined the blogging world. I am definitely putting you under "My Peeps" section!!!!! Your boys are so adorable!!

.jimaie.marie. said...

LMAO i love that he just fell out on the floor, malachi used to do the same thing--Must be a 2nd child thing LOL
i TOTALLY recognized that as dinosaur toast, i want one!! so cool. :)